Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Graduation Day

Michael graduated from high school today.

 It was a long, emotional and bittersweet day. I have tons of pictures and tons of memories that I will cherish forever. I am so proud of him. The sting of missing Mom was so strong today, though. She should have been there. She should have gotten to see that and feel that. He should have been able to hug his Grandma. Also tonight we were celebrating with him but equally saying good-bye as he is leaving this week for Savannah GA to begin the next part of his life there. So like I said....many emotions and so very bittersweet.

Each graduate had a short slide show of pictures of themselves played during the night and Michael chose one of his pictures to be of him & Grandma. Also he was one of the student performers and he sang the song that he did at her Memorial service last year. So Mom was there. Very much. We all felt both her absence and her presence. It was very moving.

Michael graduated with honors and did an amazing job on his solo (though he DID manage to stumble on the stairs on the way onto the stage and almost fall on his face going to the solo...everyone got a big laugh out it). He was, as always amazing. He never ceases to amaze me.

I cannot begin to say how much I already miss that kid. He is truly the child of my heart. We have gone through periods of time not seeing each other before, though, and it has never - nor will it ever - dim my love for him. I love him more than I ever thought possible and more than I have ever loved anyone. Always have. A prouder Aunt there never was

From the moment I found out I was going to become an aunt, to those terrifying moments that seemed like years, of peeking through blinds to watch the doctors trying to save his preemie life. From singing him to sleep when he was fussy to watching him learn to walk - and then quickly run! He was the most smiley/fun toddler you will ever meet. Always smiling. Then when he learned to read we began to see how ridiculously intelligent he is. He should have been on words like fox and sit but once he learned the basics he could read anything. I remember one day I was driving and he was in the back seat and said "what does Mississippi mean?" He didn't know or understand that Mississippi was a state but he could sound the word out b/c he knew how to read!!! I started to say that then he fell in love with music but really...he always loved music. I can remember dancing with him before he was big enough to walk and singing to him as soon as he was born. But it was SO fun when he went through his phase of wanting to be a rock star like Karla's friends. One day he drew all over his arms so he could have "band tattoos" just like them. Oh that kid. We sang and danced together so many times.

But his life was not always songs and good times. Michael faced some pretty tough things. He was adopted by his Mama when he was around 2 so that was his first big obstacle/transition, but then he was still quite young when she (his mamma) was in a very serious motorcycle accident. The accident affected - well the rest of their lives really - but especially the next several years. Michael came and stayed with us for quite some time. More than one different time. He also told me recently he remembers going from house to house of other relatives as well. AND he visited his mamma in the hospital and knew how sick she was. That is all a lot on such a small boy. It took its toll and Michael began to struggle at school and in his social life as Debbie continued struggling with her health. And that wasn't all. His grandma battled cancer. For over TEN years. And his parents separated. And he changed schools several times before he found a fit. There were many struggles.

One of the things that Michael will often say about himself that I hate to hear is that he is lazy. While it is true he can be lazy, as most teenage boys can be, I know that the truth is he is NOT a lazy person. Michael faced some hard things in his life and he did not give up. Not ever. I can remember one of the times he was living with me we were on the way home from therapy - it had been a rough session. He was really struggling and the song by Pink came on that says "You gotta get up and try and try and try - you gotta get up and try and try and try". Michael was in middle school then but he already was facing enough in life to understand that reality. His eyes teared up and he grabbed my hand and he said, "it's hard sometimes". But...he did it.

Tonight he graduated from high school. With honors. His mamma was there to see him. I was there to see him. He had friends there to see him. He did it. Not always the way I would have chosen or wanted. Or the way his mom would have chosen. Or even maybe the way HE would have chosen. But he got up - over and over - he got up again and tried. And he did it. I am so proud of him. I hope he always knows that and never believes the lie that he tells himself when he says he is lazy.

He can do or be anything. I know it. I believe it. I love you kiddo. Go be amazing

1 comment:

Moma said...

You nailed it Karla