Friday, May 29, 2015

Week...Oh yeah, I Have No Idea Anymore

So I haven't been very faithful in blogging about my "clean eating". But I haven't been exactly faithful about eating clean either so...haha. No, actually I haven't done too bad. I was spot on for like a month and a half and super proud of myself and my results. They were slow, but good.

Then...I went on vacation.

So here is the thing about me. I am all or nothing. I know this. So when I said, it is okay, I will just skip this weekend and go back to it later the truth is I knew it was going to be a struggle. I DID go home and go back to it, but just not with the 100% that I had before. The big problem was that I missed my weekend to shop and get prepared. And once that happened I was And then after that life sort of took off. I had the nephew one weekend. Then we sold the house and I was moving one weekend. And graduation plus another trip one weekend. And by the time THAT happened...I realized I was totally off the clean eating. I simply had nothing left at my house to eat that WAS clean. I ended up at fast food like 3 times that week. I had no access to Aldi or even Kroger. It was a total wash.

BUT the good news is I just shrugged my shoulders, said "oh well" and started over. It has been almost 2 weeks since I started again and I have done fine so far. I don't feel as jazzed about it this time. Maybe b/c I know how slow of a process it is. Maybe b/c I know how easy it is to mess up. Maybe b/c I know I am going to get sick of the food or be too busy to prep one weekend. Who knows why.I am not giving up though. I know it is more healthy. I know I have a LONG way still to go on losing weight and getting my body in the right place health wise. I know it is the right thing.

It is much harder to start again though, I will tell you that. is to week...who the heck knows anymore. This time I am just hoping for a fresh bout of enthusiasm. Maybe if I start to see more results I will get it back. :)

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