Friday, October 31, 2014

NaNoWriMo last post was all about me. My friends brought me to tears with their kind responses and I found some enlightenment there as well. If I am feeling so mean and negative on the inside, something is not right on the outside. I need to spend a bit more time focusing on me, or on things that matter to me. THIS post is about something I had decided to do even before that post, but after writing, and then thinking through the responses, I am even more determined to make it happen.

November is NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth (NANOWRIMO). So basically the idea is...write 50,000 words in November. Don't stop and edit, don't spend a lot of time overly thinking through every single thing you write - JUST WRITE. Write a novel. It might not be great, but it will be written.

So...I am not quite doing it exactly like that. There is a story I have had inside my head/heart/whatever for years. Last year I went to a YA Lit conference and got inspired and started finally writing it. Currently I have about 15,000 words. That is only about 40 pages in a word document. Not much in terms of a novel. So this "contest" (not really....just something to accomplish) is supposed to be a NEW work but instead I have decided to just dedicate the month of November to adding to my novel. I am going to go with the ideal of pushing through and just writing and writing even when I am not sure where I am going with something. That has always been my wall in the past - I hit writers block and never go back. So...I am going to write.

I am going to write because I have always loved writing. I am going to write because I have always wanted to write a book. I am going to write because I think I have a story to tell and even if it turns out bad, it is still a story that is inside of me that I want to tell. I am going to write because it is something I never make time for.

I don't know when/where I am going to find the time to write. I have a VASTLY busy November ahead of me with several photo shoots, several social engagements, and oh, yeah I am packing up my house to move out...but somehow, I am going to do it anyway. I am not sure if I will hit 50,000 words. I going to try for it but also try to not beat myself up too much if I don't hit it. The point is really just to spend the month focusing on MY STORY. Just writing. I am pretty excited. It all starts tomorrow.

Maybe you should do it too.....Click here for more information!!

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