Monday, June 13, 2016

Broken Hearted World

My heart is so broken right now when I think about living in a world where someone would walk into a night club and just start shooting. Shoot and shoot until 50 people are dead and over 50 more are hurt. Shoot because they are different than than him. Shoot because he has been taught to hate them. Shoot because he can.

My heart is broken that people are now arguing about who is to blame, what is to blame and how to use this senseless tragedy.

My heart is broken because we have already moved past the broken-heartedness and on to the politics of it.

My heart is mostly broken because we don't even bother to realize that things like this happen every day. People are killed just because they are different. Because they have a different religion or a different race or sexual orientation or because they are women. People are raped or beaten or refused basic human rights.

My heart is broken that it is happening right now. It is happening everywhere.

It is overwhelming. I understand why we don't allow it to permeate our thoughts. I know why we don't think about it every day. It is not in our country the way this nightclub was so we are able to put it in the back of our minds. Perhaps we have to put it back there.

Otherwise how can we live? How can we keep our hearts from literally breaking when we realize those people are, in fact, NOT living?

I wish I had something inspirational to say now. I wish I had some way to make this blog mean something. I do not. My heart is just broken. I pray for them. Those in Florida and those around my world. I pray and I pray that praying is worth anything.

I pray for action. I pray for real change. I pray for all of us to stop pushing the heart break back, but rather that we would let it break us until we cannot help but actually DO something to change our world.

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