I do wish I could be a bigger part in the lives of the kids of my friends though. I think about Kim's kids and how when Madison was born I was SO careful to see her AT LEAST once a month to do pictures and to cuddle and spend time with her. Oh to have that kind of time/energy again! I miss those kids so much! The other day I was on the phone with Kim and Austin asked her who she was talking to and she said, "I'm talking to Karla". He immediately corrected her (I heard him), "her name is AUNT Karla"....ummm can you say DAY MADE???!!!! I was beaming. Those kids rock my socks off. This first picture is of them dancing together at Ann's wedding...during the bride and groom's dance...they were mirroring everything Matt & Ann were doing...Adorable!!
I was sort of thinking that was the first baby but then it hit me...nope. My Madeleine is the oldest I think. Karissa's kids I see probably even less than Kim's kids. Luckily they are old enough to remember me a little better, though the red-head that works at the library and takes our picture pretty much sums me up for them. But...lets be honest...that pretty much sums me up so...I am good with that. I remember waiting for Madeleine to be born. It was so exciting and new. Karissa has been an awesome mom to watch as an example as so many other friends have become moms over time.
Don't even get me started about Sylvia's kids. (above is me with Madeleine,Karissa's daughter and Emily, Sylvia's daughter...I love that they have become friends!)They might as well be mine. Which I don't think Emmy always loves. I sort of tend to get on to her more than she might always like but...I also find myself just buying her clothes or toys b/c I found them on sale or just know she will love them...that kind of thing! :) And when she got pregnant with Xander...oh forget about it. My mom had to talk me out of setting up a play pen at my house...I still think it would have been a good idea. I love those kids so much I seriously feel like something is wrong if I don't see them after a bit. I mean, I need to know what's going on with my kids right? Obviously...they are just part of my heart and I love them. One day I might just move in....
A little over a year ago my friend Allison had a baby boy. It was a 'surprise' pregnancy and we couldn't have been more excited for her! She has done a great job of raising him while still dealing with her health issues and working full time and having to move and...just so much. I am so proud of her. I had visions of being there for her SO much more than I have been. I wanted her to be able to lean on me for support and I wish I had been there more, but she managed without me! :) He is a beautiful boy and I had so much fun spending time getting to know him this past weekend! What a treat!! He is still just as cute as he was as a baby!!
Then there is my friend Amanda. My friend Amanda lives in New York and I rarely get to see her. She is single and a children's pastor and recently decided to become a foster parent. I am so incredibly proud of her. She is overcoming a lot of obstacles to give her time and love to a child. She struggles, much as I do, with medical issues that easily take over her life. And yet she has decided to make this child more important than herself. I have never met this "little man". She sends me pictures of him now and then, which I love, but primarily I keep up with them via facebook and there she has to post pictures that don't show his face (rules of foster parenting) so though I know his name and face truthfully I think of him as little man who looks much like this. And I adore him. I seriously hold such a special place in my heart for this little one who has gone through so much already in his short life. I adore him for what he means to Amanda and what she means to him. I adore him for this journey they are on together and I think about them DAILY and wish I could be a part of it with them. They are both so incredibly special.
Then there are the kids I take pictures of. Yep even the ones I pretty much only see when I do that...I love them. Especially the ones I already have friendships with their parents. Like these two...oh they make my day every time I see them! Autumn & Adam. They are such sweet kids! And all the kids I photograph become important to me. I can't help it...
My sister married the love of her life...and got a family to love too! So I got a nephew, a niece and a grand-niece too!! While the two older ones are great, you know me...all about the kiddos. This one...is a hoot and the cutest little country sassy girl I have ever met. I cannot stop laughing when I am with her. She is amazing and I cannot wait to get to know her better!!!
And the Carters....oh I can't even talk about them this week without crying. I miss them so much right now b/c they just had a baby girl and I want to meet her so much!! Isaiah is such a special part of my heart. I don't know what it is about that kid, but next to my real flesh-and-blood nephew, he is the closest to my heart anyone has ever been. I love him so much. When he hugs and tells me he loves me I just....I remember the world is a good place and that things are okay. He is that amazing. His new little sister, I have no doubt, will be able to wrap my heart just as tightly in no time, because honestly I think she already has. Since I got the message she was born I have done little but think of her and miss her and pray for her. What precious children. How lucky I am to be part of their lives. How much I hate they lives so far away from me!!!!
And there are so many I know I have missed...if I missed your child, rest assured it is NOT b/c I don't love them. There are all my amazing cousins. There is Jen's step-daughter that I wish I could get to know better. There are Ann's new step-children that I swear I have a special bond with already based on that one day (the wedding...) that we hung out for pictures. There are Hancock kids and Mathis kids and a new Lindemann baby. There are kids I have never met or only met once or twice but I feel connected to b/c I watch them grow up on Facebook. There are kids I used to be super close to but b/c I am not that close with their parents anymore I rarely see them anymore.There are doubtless more.
And of course there is my actual heart, my nephew Michael. Sometimes I don't even get to see him as often as I would like. Over his life so many things have happened that our time together has changed many times and for many reasons. He grew up down the street, he moved away, he lived with me, he moved away again...but he is always my heart. I cannot imagine life without him existing. I cannot imagine taking a breath without thinking about him for part of it. They say until you are a parent you do not know what love is. I don't think that is true. I have a nephew and he has taught me more about love than I ever even imagined could be. And the amazing part is that while I thought the moment they placed him in my arms for the first time was the most I could ever possibly love another person, I was wrong! I love him more every single day. Even the days I don't see him. My love just continues to grow and grow.
I guess that is the point of this blog, that is really just pictures and me bragging on my kids I love, it is okay if I don't see my kids as often as I want to. I have this fairy tale image of being "AUNT KARLA" that everyone runs to with open arms all smiles because I am everyone's favorite and full of love and laughter. Well...okay so that is not so realistic. But I am aunt Karla. To all these amazing kids, and especially to my kiddo Michael. So I am learning it is okay if they don't think I am their favorite. And I forgiving myself for not being in their lives as much as I wish I could be. And I am loving them with all I am, more and more every single day. Aunt Karla loves you...
And there are so many I know I have missed...if I missed your child, rest assured it is NOT b/c I don't love them. There are all my amazing cousins. There is Jen's step-daughter that I wish I could get to know better. There are Ann's new step-children that I swear I have a special bond with already based on that one day (the wedding...) that we hung out for pictures. There are Hancock kids and Mathis kids and a new Lindemann baby. There are kids I have never met or only met once or twice but I feel connected to b/c I watch them grow up on Facebook. There are kids I used to be super close to but b/c I am not that close with their parents anymore I rarely see them anymore.There are doubtless more.
And of course there is my actual heart, my nephew Michael. Sometimes I don't even get to see him as often as I would like. Over his life so many things have happened that our time together has changed many times and for many reasons. He grew up down the street, he moved away, he lived with me, he moved away again...but he is always my heart. I cannot imagine life without him existing. I cannot imagine taking a breath without thinking about him for part of it. They say until you are a parent you do not know what love is. I don't think that is true. I have a nephew and he has taught me more about love than I ever even imagined could be. And the amazing part is that while I thought the moment they placed him in my arms for the first time was the most I could ever possibly love another person, I was wrong! I love him more every single day. Even the days I don't see him. My love just continues to grow and grow.
I guess that is the point of this blog, that is really just pictures and me bragging on my kids I love, it is okay if I don't see my kids as often as I want to. I have this fairy tale image of being "AUNT KARLA" that everyone runs to with open arms all smiles because I am everyone's favorite and full of love and laughter. Well...okay so that is not so realistic. But I am aunt Karla. To all these amazing kids, and especially to my kiddo Michael. So I am learning it is okay if they don't think I am their favorite. And I forgiving myself for not being in their lives as much as I wish I could be. And I am loving them with all I am, more and more every single day. Aunt Karla loves you...
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