Saturday, August 31, 2019

To My Bethel Teens...20 Years later

Dear Bethel Youth group,
Last week we lost another one of us. I cannot stop thinking about the rest of you. Twenty years later. Where are you? What are you doing? How are you doing? I see some of you on Facebook and I love so much watching your lives unfold. If those of you who are on my page know of others who are not, please connect us. I would love that.

You all hold such a special place in my life. My first "kids" so to say. I had another youth group in Kansas City, who I adored. And I had a lot of other "kids" as I worked at Trevecca that were fantastic. But you all - Bethel - were the first. The first time I gave my  heart away completely. For me it was really simple. I didn't have to deal with the church stuff (that much) or the budget stuff. I wasn't the youth pastor. I just got to know you. To love you. To be a part of your lives. There were always three things I wanted for all of you - I wanted you to know that Jesus loved you, that I loved you, and that you were freaking amazing human beings.

You know what? NOTHING has changed. I want you to know these three things:

Jesus loves you.

I love you.

You are freaking amazing human beings.

Don't ever forget those things. Don't ever doubt those things. Go back and read them slowly and let them sink in.

I know we are all at different places in life. Some of us (that I know of) are doing awesome.

Did you know that Ashley Fussell is now an amazing counselor and all around champion of human rights? She encourages me with her wisdom and love all the time.

Did you know that Daniel Henley just went with his family on a trip of Europe? The pictures were amazing!

Did you know that Josh Zeller is a YOUTH PASTOR?? I love that! Actually I haven't been in contact with him for a while but I know he was for a time.

Did you know that Nathan Hancock literally travels the world with work and married the man of his dreams? That is right, I said man. And just in case I have not been vocal or public enough for those of you who, like Nathan, have been brave enough to declare for yourselves a love that looks different than the kind we grew up being told about, let me say it clearly. You have my 1000000% support and love. I am so happy for you!

Did you know that  Juli White's daugher just turned 20!! What? How is that possible? (FYI in my head you are all still in HS so the whole kids growing up thing is wild!!!)

I am not going to single out every one of you that I know about I am proud of you. All of you. I know that some of us are probably not doing as well as those I just mentioned. Some of us are struggling. With money. With jobs. With relationships. With drugs. With all kinds of things. If that is you, oh my goodness...let me just say that - the truth is, I am right there with you! I am 42 years old, single, I have a job that pays crap and I don't even like that much. My car has no air conditioning. My Mom died a little over two years ago and I am still mentally a freaking mess about it. Sometimes life is hard. But you know what,

Those three things? Still. True.

Jesus loves you.

I love you.

You are a freaking amazing human being.

I am heartbroken that another one of 'us' died recently. Even though it has been 20 years and most of us don't see each other very often or have much contact, we are still a group. We are still a family. Never doubt that. If that means that you need to reach out to someone...please feel free to reach out to me. If it means you follow each other on Facebook and encourage each other silently (or with 'likes'), I am SO down with that. But never feel like you have no one. Remember the three things okay? Seriously. That is my prayer for all of you.

We miss you Ronnie.
We miss you John.
We miss you Josh.

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