Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Building a Ramp...

So we are at a very weird place right now of not having any idea day to day what Mom will be able to do or feel like doing. Her nurse has told us to let her take full control - if she wants to do something, let her. If she says no, don't push. We are trying our best to make life as easy and accessible for Mom as possible so she truly does have those options. The hospice program has really helped with that bringing her several tools yesterday including a brand new wheel chair. One thing they cannot do for us, however, is make our house accessible for that wheelchair.

Mom has been on steroids for probably over a year now. This has had severe repercussions on her muscles - especially in her legs. She is barely able to walk on her own these days so the wheelchair is very necessary. We now want to build a ramp outside of our side door that goes to our driveway so she can freely leave the house without fear of falling as she tries to get to the car (this has happened several times).

My brother-in-law works building houses and so can help us with the labor part of having the actual ramp built, but obviously it take materials to build a large ramp. I have decided to attempt to raise the money to do that this week! A big goal I know but also quite possible I believe.

I sell Premier jewelry and it has worked out that we JUST (seriously, last week) had our new collection come out, so tomorrow night I am going to do an online party. ALL proceeds of this party will go toward Mom's ramp. I make 50% of everything I sell. I am simply asking all of my friends to come and look at the website - if you see something you like, buy it - you get something beautiful and we get closer to our goal. It is a simple win/win situation. In order to join the effort please go and join this facebook group:

Rings (and more) for Ramps   (click on the title)

You can join me LIVE on Wednesday night at 8pm for the "actual" party, or you can just visit the website and make an order by messaging me either before or after the party. I will keep the party open until this weekend. Even if you cannot participate please join and/or share the group so we can get as many orders as possible! I really think we can raise the $700 needed easily.

Mom would probably kill me if she knew I was just asking for help like this, but I have no problem asking for help on her behalf. She has helped more people in her life than I could count. I will do everything I can to help her now! I know many of you feel the same. Thank you all for the support, prayers and love you are showing us already. They are surrounding us and holding us up when we begin to feel weary. What a treasure you are to us!

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