Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 11: Bucket List

July11: Top five bucket list items

I have never actually had a "bucket list" as such. I think because it has always seemed to me sort of a what would you do if you were dying type activity, which I just never bought into. I think we should the absolute fullest we can. Not because we might die before we have a chance, but because there is so much to live for and do. Regardless of this, however, it is easy to list five things I have always wanted to do.

1. Go scuba diving. I LOVE water animals and just water in general. I have always wanted to learn to do this!

2. Sky Diving. Sadly this is something I will never be able to do because of my back problems and dizziness issues. So...possibly learning to fly a plane is a substitute.

3. Go on a cruise. I have never done this but am already making plans to accomplish this goal. The idea of being out on the water and having no stress about where to go sounds amazing!

4. Write a book. I have written about this before. I am not, at this point, motivated enough to make it a real priority so it may never happen. But it is a dream I have always had and I hope to see it happen someday.

5. Get my PhD. There was a time when this was not even a question for me. My plan was to be done with it no later than age 35. This year I turned 36. Obviously I have not achieved it. My life has changed so drastically since then that I am no longer sure if this will be part of my future. I have not given up on it completely though.

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