Monday, August 6, 2012

Challenge complete

So I finished the book challenge! Yay! I cheated a little bit one time when my back totally gave out and I could not sit at my computer for 4 days straight, but I made it up and by the end of July I had posted 31 times! One of the reasons I decided to do the challenge was to get me in the habit of blogging more often. I don't intend to do it EVERY day (I know, collective sigh of relief right?) but I would like to do it more often. I often feel, though, that I have nothing really worth saying. Why would anyone else care what I am doing or thinking? I think that is a valid question in some ways, but in other ways I think...that's what blogging is. If people don't care about what I am thinking/saying, they won't read my blog! Ha! So I am going to try.

Before I did the book challenge I was actually in the middle of another challenge that was much less structured. It just gave very basic questions or topics about yourself to answer. I think it was created to help those getting into blogging. I did enjoy doing those, and think I will return to it eventually, but I actually really liked the book challenge better. Reading and books are so much a part of who I am (hello, librarian!) so it was good to get to share some of my love for that in a new way. I felt like I was giving out recommendations every day! And you all should take them! (well most of them. You can probably safely skip my least favorite and my embarrassed to read pics.). I think I will continue to blog about books in some manner. Maybe a review of the books I read or some such thing. I have not decided for sure.

Today I began a new sort of challenge, one that has nothing to do with blogging. My nephew's new school begins 2 hours earlier than his old school AND is much further away from us, so today we began a quest to reorient our bodies and become morning people. We have to get up at 5am every weekday morning! Whoa...seriously that is painful for me to even write. 5am is NOT okay. I am a night owl. I am happiest when I go to bed between midnight and 2am and wake up around 10 am. Obviously....that is not going to work. Michael's new bedtime is 8:30pm and last night mine was 10pm. I could NOT fall asleep that fast. I am hoping, however, that if I make sure I am in bed by that time every night and I am tired from getting up so early maybe my body will eventually adjust to it. I might even move it a little earlier. This means a switch in how we do EVERYTHING though. My free time to get things done has always been after Michael goes to bed and I am used to having like 3 to 4 hours. That time is gone now. I have about an hour and then my own nighttime routine. We will see how it goes. I am hoping to learn to love the extra daytime hours we will gain (he is home from school at 3pm now). I am hoping....

In other news I finally began weeding my front porch garden area. The excitement of my life knows no bounds! Ha! There is much going on in home owning and parenting, but little else, which is good I suppose as those two things are taking up plenty of time and energy. I do have a Pampered Chef party coming up and a revamping of my Premier Jewelry business, so hopefully more good things in the near future. I hope your week is a great one!


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