Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 9: Favorite adult fiction novel

I took too long to write this blog...when I first saw my challenge today for the first time in the challenge I didn't have to think about my answer, I knew what it was going to be. I didn't have time to write it until this afternoon though, and in all that time I have thought of several other answers I could have used! :) I have decided to stick with my first instinct though and just put a few honorable mentions at the bottom. That being said, my favorite adult fiction novel is.

The Name Of the Wind by Patrick Rothfus

Several years ago when this book came out my brother came home from work one day and said, "whatever you are reading, put it down and read this book". That seemed a little over-dramatic to me so I did not listen. However, a few days later I picked up his book and began reading. When he was ready to go to work and wanted his book, I wouldn't let him have it. Our solution? He bought another copy of it at work so we could both keep reading! I could not put the book down! It is seriously that good. AND then when we gave it to my mom to read shortly after that, she never really said much about it so I didn't think she was that impressed. A couple of months later, though, when she finally created her own face book page I looked at the books section and it was the ONLY book she listed! My mom loves's where I get it from! So obviously she was in fact very impressed. :)

The book is a story within a story. It begins telling the story of a bar owner in a deserted town, and to be honest, wasn't that exciting. That was the point. Someone comes along and eventually he begins telling this new person (the chronicler) his story. THAT is when it gets really good! The book is number one in a massive trilogy that Patrick Rothfus decided to begin his writing career with. Book two (The Wise Man's Fear) has since come out and I love it almost as much as I did book one. The outer story in particular gets more interesting in book two. Book three is yet to be finished and is eagerly anticipated.

One of the reasons I started blogging was that I began to read Patrick Rothfus' blog and it is SO good. He can talk about the most inconsequential thing, and you can STILL see what a great writer he is. I cannot recommend the books, or him, enough. And if he wasn't cool enough before all of that he runs this AMAZING charity called World Builders where he gets authors and other geeky people to donate all kinds of insanely awesome things and then raffles them off. For every $5 you give toward the charity your name goes into the pot. So you could get something AWESOME, you could get something a little odd, or you could (this would be me for 2  years running) get nothing at all but the satisfaction of being a part of an awesome thing. AND then I found out he is friends with the likes of Felicia Day and Whil Wheaton (who are also geeky awesome and have great blogs to check out). you can tell, I am a fan. Go read the books. Seriously. You will love him too!

Karissa's favorite adult fiction for today is one I have not read but need to get my hands on.

I have actually decided as this is the longest book blog ever anyway to NOT mention my afore-promised Honorable Mention titles (sorry) as I may use them in other categories yet to come.

1 comment:

KKSorrell said...

I have never heard of these books but they sound good and I looked at the author's website and it was so cool! On my to-read list!