Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 23: Book you tell people you’ve read, but haven’t actually finished

Oh no....not this. I can't tell...I can hear the collective gasps already....okay, okay. I admit it. Don't shoot me...I have never actually finished

The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien

I don't know why!!! I LOVE these kinds of stories. I love fantasy, I love new worlds, I love wizards, I love elves and trolls, I even love Hobbits...but I just couldn't get all the way through these books!! I read the Hobbit. Loved it. Read The Fellowship of the was okay. Got about 1/4 of the way into the Two Towers and just gave up. I never do that!! I finish books even when they are not good. Refer to my most embarrassing book post several days back....even when they are awful I just always believe they are going to pull out and be good in the end. And in this case...I KNOW they do! I adored the movies. I love the characters....I just haven't read the books!

My head is hung in shame. I feel it necessary now to admit I am a fraud, I am not really a nerd, not really a geek, not really a book crazy person.....BUT I AM!!! I swear I am. One day I will try again...maybe. I don't know. As I have mentioned before I do live by the code that life is too short to read a bad book. I am NOT saying these are bad books. I just....I don't know people. It is truly one of life's mysteries...please don't judge me. I can't take it....

Go read what Karissa has lied about and forget everything I just said!! :)


Brannon Hancock said...

I've never read Tolkien either, and I confess that, unlike you, I'm really not sufficiently interested to spend the time it would take to read his trilogy... call me a literary poseur. I don't care. His style doesn't appeal to me, and I find the stories only mildly interesting, even accounting for their theologizing and thinly-veiled religious allegory.

Oh yeah. I don't care much for CS Lewis either. Shoot me. ;-)

KKSorrell said...

I LOVED The Hobbit - but it was shorter than the others. The others are really hard to get through. He just kind of goes on and on sometimes.

Amanda Mrshall said...

I'm so dissapointed in all three of you! **shaking my head**

KKSorrell said...

I didn't say I haven't read them! I've read them but they were really hard to get through.