Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 2: Least Favorite Book

Oh man, I thought picking my favorite book was I have to chose a LEAST favorite book? Eek. Okay well confession time, I am not that critical of a reader. Well, that is probably not true. I am uber critical and I always have an opion, about everything! :) But that being said, I read a lot of things and not all of them are really that great. I still enjoy them! I am that way about TV to some extent to. I just love stories. Even dumb ones. So choosing a least favorite book is no easy feat to me. The ones that aren't good I think I just let fade away from memory! Ha ha.

If I was still in college I would undoubatly have said something like Brevard Childs Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testament, but not really because it is not a good book, more just because I did not enjoy HAVING to read it. But that is not really true. Man this is hard!

Okay the only book that keeps coming to mind every time I give this some thought is the fourth and final book of the Twilight series,

 Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer

Now I know a lot of people have said that she is a horrible writer and these books are a travesty to literature. They are right. Ha ha, just kidding again. Actually Stephanie Meyer has another book called Host that I really enjoyed. And to be honest the first three books in Twilight were a lot of fun. Not great writing, nothing that was going to change the world, but enjoyable. I read them before the movie craze. (and by the way, the movies are WAY worse than the books so don't blame Stephanie too much!).

Having said all of that, the fourth book STINKS! It came out after the movies had started and I felt, and still do feel, that really she stopped writing for the sake of her characters (or readers for that matter). I think Stephanie Meyers caught the Hollywood bug. I think she was writing Edward as whats-his-name and Bella as (ugh) Kristin Stewart. Not smart. The book was a huge let down, the ending was boring and over-all I just don't like it. Sorry Twilight fans. I was with you until a bad ending and even worse movies. is all ruined for me.

Karissa's answer (which is different this time!) can be found HERE

1 comment:

KKSorrell said...

This is so funny because I really liked the last book! I really liked seeing Bella learn how to be a vampire. Ironic, since I typically hate vampire stuff, but I thought it was really interesting. I'm with you, though, overall the books weren't great literature anyway!