Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Only Pets I have are Peeves

Question 11: Describe 10 pet peeves you have

1. No one reading my! Just kidding. I actually write more as a therapeutic/writing excercise for myself so I actually don't care. I have been toying with the idea of publishing my blogs on facebook like most people do but...I have not decided yet.

2. My living room light switch - I adore my quaint new little house. However I am what many call severely OCD and it drives me NUTS...what is it? I will tell is a lightswitch plate that is completely crooked. My dad hung a key hook thing for me right underneath it, as straight as can be, which just makes the crookedness even more noticable. I feel like I am in some crazy wonka world every time I look over. I am going to try to fix it soon, before it makes me loose my mind!

3. Multi-colored food/candy - why is it so hard to just pick one color and make the whole package of M&Ms the same? It would save some of us craziees from the laboreous (and yet somehow strangely satisfying) task of sorting them out before we can enjoy.

4. People who don't answer phone calls or texts - this one is weird b/c I pretty much HATE the telephone and live in fear that someone will actually call me. BUT, in the odd little world that is my head, the reason to have a cell phone is to be available in case you are needed at a time in which you do not happen to be near a regular phone. I answer anytime I actually hear the phone ring because what if you are calling to tell me someone has kidnapped you and you need help!? What if there is a severe hurricane headed my way and you are trying to warn me to get out? I mean come on people, if you give me your number I assume it is your way of saying you are available to me so...answer it!!!

5. Phone calls - on a related but in someways totally opposite note, I hate phone calls! Please do not call me unless you actually have something to talk about it. I cannot stand sitting with a phone in my ear saying nothing. Ugh.

6. Panty hose - seriously....that crap is awful. It literally gives me goose bumps to think about the material it is made out of. If I even see someone in them and thier legs cross each other I honestly shudder. I hate it. Whoever invented them is the devil. Women should burn them...burn them all.

7. Series books that are not finished yet - I love to read. I LOVE that YA books are all about series these days. I can fall in love with a world and have books and books and books full of it! BUT if the series is not finished yet and I start it...then I am left hanging. What is going to happen???!!! It is stressful

8. Closed shopping lanes - why in the world do places like Wal-mart and Target build 20 something lanes and then only have TWO open for shoppers? I mean really. I am sure that part of my shopping experience should not be waiting behind the lady with 10 coupons, 6 of which are not even for your store...sigh

9. Traffic...or any kinds of lines - seriously I am a patient person. I can deal with crying babies or sick people or even stupid drunk people...but put me i a line of ANY kind, especially a traffic line and I lose it. I hate them!

10. Daylight Savings Days - they are just dumb.

Okay so this was more of a list of annoyances than pet peeves...but I guess that is sort of the same thing...I don't know for sure!

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