Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 3...My Deepest Fear

Right now my deepest fear may be that I will never catch up on this blog challenge!! :)
I was out of town most of last week so I have several days to catch up. I thought it was great to discover, therefore, that the first one is such a light/easy topic to write on:

What is your deepest fear?

Yikes! I think this has changed over the years and held many different forms. Once it was that I would be alone, that I would lose my mother, that I would go bankrupt, etc.

Truly though my biggest fear is not for myself - it is for Michael. And it is not one tangible thing, it is just that his life not be amazing. His happiness and health and prosperous life means more to me than anything I ever wanted or feared for myself.

If I were to make it more personal it would still be that I would somehow fail him or not be what he needs me to be.

Well...wasn't that a cheery way to start the morning?! Ha.

 Fears are good though. They keep us working and motivated. Though I fear those things, I also work hard to make sure they never come to pass.

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