Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 1st...On July 2nd

So quite possibly introducing myself a day later is a great metaphor for me!! Ha. Timing has never really been my strong suit. But...there are worse things.

So you can actually read my blog info for a short introduction to who I am - as far as things like age and profession etc. Here is a RECENT PHOTO of me

I just got bangs again for the first time in FOREVER and I am celebrating my hair is long enough to put into braids again. I went super short a few years back and it has been a long journey back to my hair, which is my "one great beauty" (BIG brownie points if you get that literary reference).
So...I am a nerd. And a dork. And a dweeb. Whichever word you choose. I have realized, however, I am more of a combination of all of the above than any one of them to the truest sense. In other words, I am a total nerd and I am pretty smart...but I got nothing in my head about physics or advanced math etc. True nerds I think would...but me not so much. I am a dork and I love comic book movies (and even some comic books) but...I don't care if Iron Man doesn't follow the TRUE story...I mean really...just watch the movie. So...basically I am my own person and I don't think I can really be pegged down to any one category. I love that about myself.

What else is important about me? I am a big mouth...I love to talk...which includes blogging. So...look out. I will try not to make these to long!!

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